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Simple advice for parents of children with learning difficulties

What if my child has learning difficulties?

If you suspect that your child may have learning difficulties or you have been told by their classroom teacher, it is important not to panic.

Many children will have some difficulties over time and it is important that you don’t make a big deal out of it. Chances are they will already feel left out or different and it is your job to make them feel at ease with these differences. Talk to them and ask how they feel about their learning experiences. Identify where they need help and be proactive to find a solution.

These days there are so many options and so many different ways of finding learning solutions. Often, children with learning difficulties require an ‘out-of-the-square’ approach to finding solutions that work for them.

Schools, though well-meaning, often don’t have the resources that are relevant to the specific needs of your child.

Why tailor learning to your child?

Effective coaching or tutoring must be tailored to the individual. This not only increases the chances of a successful learning outcome but can be the catalyst for increased self-belief and authentic confidence.

If you would like to know more about our Individualised Learning Programs and how they can benefit your child, give us a call to obtain your child’s Personal Learning Program.

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