02 4365 2865
0405 836 886

Tutoring Subjects We Teach

Pre-Kinder to Year 12

Foundational skills in English are critical to success at ALL LEVELS. Therefore, we provide in-depth instruction in grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure.

Our English programs cover reading, comprehension, short and extended responses.

We use a wide range of text types including narrative, poetry, exposition, recounts, discussion and media texts.

Our Mathematics programs work within the guidelines of the current Australian Curriculum and NSW syllabus and cover:

  • Number & Operations
  • Mental Arithmetic (including times tables)
  • Algebra & Equations
  • Geometry
  • Space and Measurement
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Chance and Data
  • Non-Calculator

Our strong emphasis on basic number facts especially times tables, mental arithmetic and thinking mathematically, ensures a well-developed number sense for further Mathematical concept development.

Developing efficient reading strategies is the key to being a life-long learner.

Appropriate decoding and reading skills are integrated into all of our learning programs.

Sound essay writing templates and scaffolds provide a key difference in delivering higher levels of written performance and results.

Writing creatively is a skill that we can ALL learn.

We teach and encourage a range of strategies and processes that stimulate the flow of individual creativity. Often unlocking innate levels of spontaneous brilliance. 

A study plan is important to help keep each student on track. Being accountable with the plan we set, also assists this process.

As the saying goes: Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail.

Our tutoring programs strategise and integrate individualised suggestions so that each student has a study plan that works for them.

Reading and decoding are only the first steps in beginning to understand what is being conveyed.

Our integrated cross-curricula comprehension strategies enable our students to have a much clearer understanding of content.

Nothing succeeds like success! At Focus, each student’s program is aimed at their individual ‘level of success’. As a result, they create a personal ‘internal barometer’.

This enables confidence to grow in a meaningful, personalised way.

The result is a genuine positive shift in their self-confidence and world-view.

We assist students to prepare for all Selective Schools and Scholarship tests. These include Mathematics, English and General Ability.

Acquiring Early Literacy Skills is THE key for students to enter the school system, being capable and confident.

ILs can help your child if they struggle with:

  • Poor reading/comprehension
  • Consistently tired or tires easily
  • Lacks medium – long term memory retention
  • Poor handwriting skills
  • Texture & Noise Sensitivity
  • Poor co-ordination

Irlen Lense Screening can help your child if they struggle with:

  • Comprehension
  • Fidgety when reading
  • Can’t read for longer than 10-15 minutes before losing interest
  • Watery eyes when reading
  • Loses place when reading
  • Not fluent when reading aloud
  • Resistant to / dislike of reading

One size does NOT fit all. Our HSC mentoring programs tailor each student’s academic goals to a specific individual program that works for them.

Stress management and external support with the pressures of the HSC is essential to ensure a social/work/study/relaxation life-balance is established and maintained.

Systematic exposure to the types of questions involved in tests better prepares students for NAPLAN.

Time management techniques greatly improve focus and clarity, leading to better outcomes.

Pre Kinder
Selective Schools Participation
Irlen Lense Screening
HSC Preparation
Study Skills
Essay Writing
Creative Writing
NAPLAN Preparation