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Handy hints for back to school

The long, hot days and equally warm nights of our seemingly endless Summer make the back to school lead up challenging for many children. Few are sleeping well and many are getting a little short-tempered and frayed, primarily due to under-hydration and lack of restful, rejuvenating sleep.

Our Experience with the Back to School Phase

As 35 plus year veterans of ‘week ones’, we hold the view that the first week back to school in the hot Australian Summer, isn’t so much about the learning and the content, rather it’s often simply survival.

Surviving wearing school shoes instead of thongs. Surviving being away from the fridge and cold drinks. Surviving the early morning wake-ups and the often crazy-making kitchen dance of lunches, drink bottles, books, uniforms and lost socks.

Many of us struggle to create a work-rhythm after a long holiday. School students aren’t any different. They need time, patience and understanding as they adjust and settle into their new year. So, here are a few reminders that can make that holiday-school transition a little smoother:

Reminders for the First Few Weeks Back

  1. Hydrate: Water, water, water. Our brains are often the first part of us to feel foggy and jaded when we’re under-hydrated. We’ve found it helpful to set water reminders on our devices. When the reminder sounds, we stop, stand and drink water.
  2. Breathe slowly: This is perhaps one of our best ‘go to’ tools in our toolbox. Watch what happens when you stop, sit (or stand) and enjoy 3 or 4 very slow inhales and exhales.
  3. Move mindfully: Moving slowly and consciously through our physical world allows us to be present and spend less time focusing on the heat.
  4. Nourish: Eat smaller portions, more frequently. Fruit and veggies are king here.
  5. Wet cloths: The perfect antidote for the heat when used to wipe our faces, necks and wrists.
  6. Kindness and self-compassion: Being kind to ourselves and those around is one of the greatest gifts we can offer ourselves and those in our orbit.

Stay cooooool in schoooool 🙂

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