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3 Proven Steps To Your Child’s Academic Success

steps for academic success

There are many steps that enable all of us, especially students, to create what we want in the world. To consistently create the end results we feel we deserve.

So, what stops us?

Of course, we can play the blame game and look outside of ourselves for the answers. Dance with the inevitable “but everyone else has it so much easier than me!” This dance, of course, often ends up with an empty dance card and a lonely list of ‘if onlys’ at night’s end.

Or, we can look inside at some of our consistent behaviours and habits and fully examine our current reality in relation to our personal habits, and the outcomes we are currently creating.

All good students know the awesome benefits attained from honest self-evaluation. Not the beat-myself-up kind of self-examination but a gentle exploration of what makes us really tick in relation to the goals we set ourselves.

In the words of Aristotle:

Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.


In other words, it’s the things we repeatedly do (or don’t do!) that create our results.

There are three key habits that can measurably improve academic success. They are preparation, purpose, and practice.

Let’s briefly examine these steps for academic success, using ‘baking a cake’ as a metaphor.


Preparation is really the key.

Baking a cake is vastly more effective when we prepare. Knowing the recipe, having all the ingredients at hand and being clear on the method, can make all the difference to the successful outcome. The same idea is especially useful when applied to working on a project or classroom assignment.

Making a list of all the resources should be the first thing we do. Gathering the resources not only creates tangible, material evidence that engages our focus, it also activates all kind of sensory resources that stimulate momentum.

Next, create a plan of action. What needs to be done and in what order?

Getting started on a big project is much easier when you have a step by step plan to follow.


This step can really save students an untold amount of time and heartache.

What is the purpose of making the cake? Sure, we want to eat it but:

  • Is it the right kind of cake?
  • Does it really need icing?
  • What flavour is it going to be?
  • Who is it for?

Students who ask the correct key questions invariably do well because they very quickly get on purpose to create the results they want.


Finally, practice.

How many of us can lay claim to the perfect cake created with our first attempt? Instead, most of us improve our favourite recipes with repeated attempts. Adding things here and there, modifying small steps, all the while enhancing the creative process and constantly improving the end result.

The same process holds true when crafting an essay or assignment.

3 Steps To Your Child’s Academic Success

Applying these three proven steps to the way your child approaches learning can be the difference between them loving the end result, having their cake and eating it too, or eating humble pie!

This is just one of the techniques we teach to help your child not only get better results at school but also enjoy the process!

Learn more about our Academic Tutoring Programs.

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