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Teaching Reading: What are your favourite children’s books?

Teaching Reading by Being a Model

One of THE best ways to teach your child how to enjoy reading is to model being a reader yourself. Whilst instructional, directed teaching of decoding skills is critical to young and developing readers, so too is the reading process itself. Especially if mum and dad are seen doing it and enjoying it.

ALL readers have favourite books and authors. As adult readers, many of us have very fond memories of discovering a new author, or a new series of books written by a new author. We remember the pure enjoyment of being unable to put the book down, often resorting to ‘torch-light reading’ in order to finish the next chapter.

Well, many of those authors and the magical stories they told, are still around and freely available.

One of the very best ways you can demonstrate the joy of reading is to read to your child and be seen as a genuine reader, simply by reading.

A Simple Tip to Encourage Reading

This week’s reading tip is to write a list of your favourite authors or children’s stories and place it on the fridge. This can easily become a springboard for discussion and maybe even a birthday present or two. Enjoy the memories. 🙂

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