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Some Helpful Home Hints for Parent Tutors

The following are some useful hints to be used by parent tutors;

Utilisation of the Pause Procedure

Good parent tutors are characterised by allowing their student’s voice to be heard more than their own. To ensure your child does not tune out and lose interest in what you are teaching, use frequent pauses to ensure the student has understood what you have just been explaining. For instance, ask them to summarise the idea you have just espoused and if you are teaching more than one child, ask them to summarise what they have just learned to each other.  Alternatively, during pauses, ask children to answer a short test or complete a problem using the skills you have just explained.

Use of Fast-Paced Drills

If you are tutoring your student in a subject that involves a significant degree of memory work (such as Biology), drill your students frequently on particular points to ensure they retain important facts and information.

Introducing Humour into the Tutoring Session

Studies have shown that the use of humour can have highly positive effects on students, greatly increasing their level of engagement and interest. Encourage the student to find comics, funny quotes or jokes to their learning session and dedicate a few minutes to having a good laugh.

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